Math Basic Operations Practice is a practicing program for basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Practice operations separately or take a test. Choose from any operation and digit choices for a test of your level. You can enter your questions.Trial version limitations: can solve 15 questions from each operation and the number of questions in the test mode is limited to 9.
Publisher description
Math Basic Operations Practice is a program for learning and practicing basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. You can either practice operations separately or take a test of your level. You solve problems as you do on paper - you do not enter answers in a box. Some of the features of the program are easy to use interface, optional time limits and flexible arrangement of questions (up to six digit addition and subtraction; 5x5 digit multiplication; up to three digit quotient and divisor, etc.). You can have up to 999 questions for tests and choose which operations to include and how many digits the numbers can have in the test. You can enter your questions. In the unregistered version you can solve up to 15 questions from each operation and the number of questions in the test mode is limited to 9.
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